Several people reported injured in night-time missile attack on Ukraine’s capital


KIEV, Ukraine (AP) — Another missile attack hit Ukraine’s capital early Wednesday, resulting in several injuries and damaged buildings, officials said.

At 3am a series of loud bangs could be heard across Kiev as the city’s air defenses were activated for the second time this week.

Kyiv Mayor Vitaly Kitschko said on Telegram that debris from intercepted missiles fell in the Eastern Dniprovsky district, injuring 25 people, 13 of whom were hospitalized. A residential building and several cars caught fire.

On Monday, a Russian missile attack destroyed several homes on the outskirts of Kiev and temporarily deprived more than 100 homes of power.

Wednesday’s attack was on Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky visited washingtonWhere he made an impassioned plea to Congress to approve additional aid to fight the Russian invasion.

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As winter progresses and troop movement is restricted, leading to little change in the front line, aerial bombardment plays an increasing role war,

Cyber ​​attacks are also busy Battle field. Ukrainian telecommunications provider Kyivstar, which serves more than 24 million mobile subscribers nationwide, said its services were disrupted on Tuesday by a “powerful” attack by hackers. According to Ruslan Kravchenko, head of the Kyiv regional administration, it also disrupted the air raid warning system in part of the Kyiv region.

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