Harris focuses on shaping Gaza after conflict during diplomatic blowout with Arab leaders in Dubai


DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) – Vice President kamala harris On Saturday she attended a quick round of diplomatic talks with Arab leaders, where she focused on shaping the approach to Gaza after the conflict, while calling on Israel to do more for security. Palestinian citizen From “devastating” bombings.

His efforts to focus on what Gaza will look like after the fighting ends came against the backdrop of a heavy-handed offensive that Israel has launched into the populous southern enclave. The fighting started again on Friday morning After a week’s ceasefire.

“As Israel defends itself, it matters how. The United States has been clear: international humanitarian law must be respected,” Harris said after their meetings. “Too many innocent Palestinians have been killed. Frankly, the level of civilian suffering and the images and videos coming out of Gaza are devastating.”

He added that as Israel “pursues its military objectives in Gaza, we believe Israel should do more to protect innocent civilians.”

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Dubai is the first Arab nation to host the annual UN Environment Assembly where world leaders discuss how to best slow the effects of climate change. Harris said she had “fruitful” talks with Middle Eastern leaders on the sidelines of the summit.

he said he and President Joe Biden It has repeatedly noted the brutality of the Hamas attack against Israel on October 7 that sparked the war, while also praising it. Recent pause in fighting So that more than 100 hostages held by Hamas can be released.

The Vice President said that, at some point, the fighting will end and a plan must be in place for what happens next.

According to the Ministry of Health in Gaza, as the pause in fighting has ended, Israeli attacks More than 200 Palestinians have been killed in attacks on homes and buildings.

Harris said, referring to that time, “There is a mutual desire to figure out how we will explore and approach the ‘day after’ that will bring stability and peace to this region.”

Harris spent just one day at the conference and her Saturday schedule was so busy that the vice president was not in the IMAX-style conference room when her name was called to participate in a session with other leaders to discuss the best ways to I went. A just and orderly transition to clean energy.

Her chair remained empty on the stage until her name was called again at the end of the meeting, while she was the only panelist who did not speak. Harris came into the room and delivered her speech announcing that the US planned to join more than 90 countries in aiming to double their energy efficiency and triple their renewable energy production by 2030.

When she was done, she walked off the stage and was almost out of the room when the moderator asked the participants to pose for a photo. This prompted Harris to quickly retreat to the pitch.

Then she sped through the corridor to a waiting motorcade to take her to the meeting with Arab leaders. Harris would not disclose details of her conversations with the Emir of Qatar about the possibility of a future interruption in the fighting to secure the release of additional hostages. But he said the US wants to see the release of all hostages.

The vice president said he also spoke to Arab leaders about three key elements for Gaza after the conflict: reconstruction, security and governance. He stressed that it will be up to key countries in the region, as well as other countries and organizations, to “dedicate significant resources” to rebuilding hospitals and housing. Electricity and clean water must be available, he said, while bakeries must be able to reopen.

Harris said that Palestinian Authority security forces “must be strengthened to ultimately assume security responsibilities in Gaza” while stressing that terrorists should not be allowed to continue threatening Israel as a condition of security. May go.

Finally, Harris said the Palestinian Authority in control of the West Bank must also rule in Gaza to achieve lasting peace, echoing Biden’s sentiments.

“The Palestinian Authority must be revitalized, driven by the will of the Palestinian people,” the Vice President said, adding that this “will allow them to benefit from the rule of law and a transparent accountable government.”

Associated Press writer Josh Boak in Washington contributed to this report.

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