Amid shutdown fears, Congress leaders are preparing a stopgap bill to extend government funding through March


WASHINGTON (AP) — Congressional leaders are preparing a stopgap bill to keep the federal government running through March and Avoid partial shutdown Next week.

The temporary measure will last until March 1 for some federal agencies whose approved funding is set to expire on Friday and will extend remaining government functions until March 8. That’s according to a person familiar with the situation and granted anonymity to discuss it.

The stopgap bill, which is expected to be released on Sunday, will come as House Speaker Mike JohnsonR-la., has been under pressure in recent days from his far-right wing to cancel the recent bipartisan spending deal with Senate Democrats. The bill would need Democratic support to pass the narrowly divided House.

Johnson insisted on Friday that he stands by deal Despite pressure from some conservatives to renegotiate, he agreed with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. Contacted. Moderates in the party had urged him to remain in office.

Yet, in his first major test as the new leader, he has yet to show how he will quell the rebellion from his right who ousted his predecessor,

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“Our top-level agreement remains in place,” Johnson said Friday, referring to the budget agreement reached on Jan. 7.

The agreement sets $1.66 trillion in spending for the next fiscal year, of which $886 billion will be spent on defense.

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