A rocket attack was targeted at the US Embassy in Baghdad, causing minor damage but no casualties.


BAGHDAD (AP) — A rocket attack Friday morning on the sprawling U.S. embassy in Baghdad caused minor material damage but no injuries, U.S. and Iraqi officials said.

The attack on the US embassy in Baghdad’s heavily fortified Green Zone, where Iraqi government buildings and embassies are located on the west bank of the Tigris River, is the first confirmed attack since the start of the Israel-Hamas war.

Iran-backed militias in Iraq have claimed responsibility for dozens of attacks targeting US military bases in Iraq and Syria. Since the Israel-Hamas war Started two months ago. The US military says a total of 78 attacks have been carried out against US facilities in the past weeks, of which 37 were in Iraq and 41 in Syria.

An Iraqi security official said 14 Katyusha rockets were fired Friday, some of which fell near an embassy gate while others fell in the river. The official said the rocket attack caused material damage but no casualties.

A US military official said a multi-rocket attack was launched against US and coalition forces around the embassy compound and Union III, which houses offices of the US-led coalition. There were no casualties and no damage to infrastructure, the official said.

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The US embassy was hit by two rockets at around 4:15 pm (0215 GMT), an embassy spokesman said.

“Assessment is ongoing, but no casualties have been reported at the embassy premises,” the official said. He said no specific group had claimed responsibility as of Friday morning, but there were indications the attacks were carried out by Iran-aligned militias.

“We again call on the Government of Iraq, as we have done on numerous occasions, to do its utmost to protect diplomatic and coalition partner personnel and facilities,” the official said. “We reiterate that we reserve the right to self-defense and the safety of our personnel anywhere in the world.”

All three officials spoke on condition of anonymity in accordance with regulations.

There are about 2,500 U.S. troops in Iraq and another 900 in eastern Syria on missions against the Islamic State group. Iran has militias loyal to Tehran in both countries.

In response to attacks on American soldiers, America has retaliated with air strikes Weapons depots and other facilities directly linked to Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps and militias have been targeted in Syria three times since October 17. The US struck multiple sites in Iraq late last month after a militia group first fired short-range ballistic missiles at US forces at Al Asad air base.

Associated Press writers Abby Sewell and Bassem Maroué contributed to this report from Beirut.

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