Wyoming governor vetoes bill to allow concealed carry in public schools and meetings


Cheyenne, Wyo. (AP) – Wyoming Republican Governor Mark Gordon has vetoed a bill that would have allowed people to carry concealed guns in public schools and government meetings.

In his veto letter Friday night, Gordon said he had concerns Bill This would exceed the separation of powers provision in the state constitution because any policy, further regulation or clarification of law can be enacted only by the Legislature.

The ban on carrying firearms would require each state facility, including the University of Wyoming, Wyoming State Hospital and Wyoming Boys’ School, to obtain legislative approval.

“By giving residents the sole authority to micromanage a constitutionally protected right, this bill destroys historic local control norms,” ​​Gordon wrote. Any further clarification of the law, if the bill were enacted, would have limited local control. Would have increased the reach of the Legislature in firearm regulation. ,

Under the bill, open carry of firearms in schools and government meetings would still be prohibited, and K-12 students would not be allowed to have guns in school. Guns would still be banned in prisons, courts, police stations and hospitals, and on private property if the owner so wished.

Concealed firearms would have been allowed with a permit in public schools and the University of Wyoming and community colleges in areas that do not serve alcohol. They would also have been allowed without permits into meetings, including meetings of the legislature.

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Supporters said not allowing guns in schools and meetings is a violation of their Second Amendment rights.

A handful of Wyoming districts have let school officials carry guns in schools Since the state started allowing it in 2017. Other states that allow permit holders to conceal guns in schools include Alabama, Idaho, Indiana, Missouri, Oklahoma, Oregon, and Texas. utahAccording to the National Conference of State Legislatures.

Wyoming is one of the most gun-friendly states, and the bill passed 22-8 in the state Senate after supporters overruled fears of allowing guns in places where they are currently banned.

Chris Rothfuss of Laramie, one of two Democrats in the Wyoming Senate, argued against the bill, saying he had not heard from teachers or students on the issue. He appealed to the Republican principle that the government closest to the people governs best. The chamber’s other Democrat, Mike Gierau of Jackson, also voted against the bill after initially voting in favor of it.

Gordon signed four other bills related to gun rights. Prohibits a credit card processor from using firearms or firearms-related merchant category codes and prohibits government or private entities from keeping any registry of firearms through the use of firearm codes.

Other bills prohibit enacting or enforce red flag gun laws in Wyoming, amend the rules for who has firearms rights, are eligible for a concealed carry permit, and cover costs related to firearms possession. Create an account to reimburse school districts for. School property owned by school employees.

Gordon also ordered state officials to consider allowing concealed carry at the Capitol and other state buildings.

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